City Ordinances

The City of Natalia has codified all City ordinances. You are now able to access the ordinances currently enforced by the City online at:


  • or by clicking on the following link: CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCES

City Boundaries and ETJ Map

City of Natalia Subdivision Ordinance (adopted 9/05/2018 - Ordinance No.18-0905-3)

City of Natalia Zoning Ordinance (adopted 10/15/2018 - Ordinance No.18-0905-2)


The following Ordinances were recently adopted by City Council but are currently Un-Codified.


Ordinance No. 24-0923-1 Budget Adoption

Ordinance no. 24-0923-2 Tax Rate Adoption

Ordinance No. 24-0923-3 Garbage Rates

Ordinance No. 24-0923-4 Ratify Adoption Municipal Budget

Ordinance No. 24-0923-5 Budget Amendments


Ordinance No. 23-0221 Industrialized Buildings and Housing

Ordinance No. 23-0918-1 Budget Adoption

Ordinance No. 23-0918-2 Tax Rate Adoption

Ordinance No. 23-0918-3 Ratify Adoption Municipal Budget

Ordinance No. 23-0918-4 Budget Amendments


Ordinance No. 22-0919-1 Tax Rate Adoption

Ordinance No. 22-0919-2 Amending Utility Rate Structure

Ordinance No. 22-0919-3 Garbage Rates

Ordinance No. 22-0919-4 Budget Adoption


Ordinance No. 21-0125-1: Amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 Law Enforcement, Article II Police Department

Ordinance No. 21-0816-1: Amending Chp.40-Traffic & Vehicles

Ordinance No. 21-0816-2: Garbage Rates

Ordinance No. 21-0920-1: Election Cancellation

Ordinance No. 21-0920-2: Water Meter Tampering Fee

Ordinance No. 21-0920-3: Budget Adoption

Ordinance No. 21-0920-4: Tax Rate Adoption

Ordinance No. 21-0928-1: Budget Amendments

Ordinance No. 21-1018-1: Food Permit Late Fees


Ordinance No.20-0127-1: Amending FY 2019-2020 Municipal Budgets (adopted 1/27/20)

Ordinance No.20-0127-2: Amending Municipal Court Costs and Fees, Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances. (adopted 1/27/20)

Ordinance No.20-0316-1: PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY DECLARED: COVID-19 (adopted 3/16/20)

Ordinance No. 20-0701-01: Amend Chp 22 Law Enforcement (Adopted 07.02.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-0921-1: Amending FY 2019-2020 Municipal Budgets (Adopted 09.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-0921-2: Adopting FY 2019/2020 Municipal Budgets (adopted 09.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-0921-3: Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2020-2021 (adopted 09.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-0921-4: Amending the Utilities Rate Structure for Garbage Services (adopted 09.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-0921-5: Declaring Unopposed Candidates in the November 2020 Election and Cancelling said Election (adopted 09.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-1221-1: Establishing a Curfew for Minors (adopted 12.21.2020)

Ordinance No. 20-1221-2: Approving a Rate Increase for Gas-Utility Services Provided by West Texas Gas (adopted 12.21.2020)


Ordinance No.19-0916-1; Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2019-2020 for Tax Year 2019 (adopted 9/16/2019)

Ordinance No.19-0904-2; Adopting FY 2019/2020 Municipal Budgets (adopted 9/04/2019)

Ordinance No.19-0617-1; Adopting the Amended Fee Schedules for building permits, inspections and plan review (adopted 6/17/2019)

Ordinance No.19-0429-3; Issuance of Combination Tax and Subordinate Lien Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2019

Ordinance No.19-0429-2; Issuance of Combination Tax and Subordinate Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019B

Ordinance No.19-0429-1; Issuance of Combination Tax and Subordinate Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019A


Ordinance No.18-0917-1; Adopting FY 2018-2019 Annual Budgets. (adopted 9/11/2018)

Ordinance No.18-0917-2; Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2018-2019 (adopted 9/17/2018)

Ordinance No.18-0917-3; Ratifying the Adoption of FY 2018-2019 Annual Budgets. (adopted 9/17/2018)